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CWA Details

Registration Methodology

Registration for the course requires the student to apply in the prescribed form [Application for Registering as a student for Intermediate] enclosing the details relating to the educational qualifications, age etc., as required in the application.

The prescribed fee as relevant to the course registering for should also be sent along with the application. The application may be sent to the regional council/office directly or handed over to the nearest branch/chapter of the institute.

Those students who are registering for the course taking up the oral coaching mode may hand over the applications to the oral coaching centre where they are getting admitted.

Certificates to be Furnished

Original Certificates need not be furnished along with the registration application. Photocopies of the following certificates duly attested should be sent along with the application for registration:

Proof of Minimum Age

10th standard marks sheet as a proof of age where required. Where the 10th standard marks sheet does not carry the proof of age, copy of a relevant certificate as a proof of age should be attached in its place.

Proof of Minimum Educational Qualifications

Marks sheet of (10 + 2 + 3) or Original- Degree/Provisional-Degree as a proof of minimum educational qualification.

Where a candidate is registering based on the qualification of passing Foundation level, Marks sheet of Foundation Examination.


If registering provisionally

In place of the Mark sheet of (10 + 2 + 3) or Original-Degree/Provisional-Degree, the student is required to attach a photocopy of the hall ticket of the (10 + 2 + 3) examination as a proof of having appeared at the qualifying examination based on which the student is registering provisionally.

Minimum Requirements » Age Educational Qualifications

Minimum Age

18 years : A candidate should have completed 18 years age on the date of making application for registration

Entry Routes

A candidate can enter the courses at this level through two different routes.

By passing the Foundation examination i.e. qualifying at the Foundation level

By passing a Graduation/Degree (10 + 2 + 3) examination i.e. having a Graduation qualification.

Minimum Academic Qualifications

A pass in the Foundation Course Examination conducted by ICWAI

A degree examination of any recognized University or equivalent;

A degree (honours) Examination of any recognized University

A Master Degree Examination of any recognized University of any of the Indian Institute of Management;

An Engineering Degree examination of any recognized University or any of the Indian Institute of Technology or the Indian Institute of Science;

The Final Examination of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or England and Wales or Scotland or Ireland or the Final Examination of Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, London or the Final Examination of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India;

Section ‘A’ and Section ‘B’ Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India) or equivalent;

Subordinate Accounts Service examination conducted by the Central /State Government Organizations;

Part I and Part II of Banking Examinations styled C.A.I.I.B;

Any other examinations as may be recognized by the Council for the purpose of admission as a registered student of the institute.

Application/Prospectus » Cost, Where to Obtain and Submit

The institute has regional offices in all the four geographical regions (North, South, East, West) of India for the purpose of handling the administrative tasks. All the aspects relating to students except conduct of main examinations are monitored and tracked by the regional councils. So for any details in relation to the student/candidate one should contact the regional council under whom he/she is initially registered.

Where to obtain the prospectus/application for registration

You can obtain the prospectus [Registration Application], If you are intending to register for

Postal Coaching conducted by the Institute

At The offices which work directly under the institute i.e. the Head Office or Regional Offices

At The Branches, Chapters of the institutes which are managed by the respective professionals of a locality

Download from students section from

The coaching centre may have an additional application (relevant to that centre only), to be submitted along with the application for registration

You can also obtain the applications from the Institutes Head Quarters, Regional Offices, Branches, and Chapters etc.

Addresses of Regional Councils, Branches, Chapters, ...

Downloading Applications

The institute has provided applications online which you can download, print and use.

You can download the Registration Applications from Application Download Page

Cost of Registration Application/Prospectus

The prospectus of the institute contains the application for registration along with it. The cost of Application or Prospectus for Registering for the Intermediate level/course:

By Hand – Rs. 200

By Post or courier – Rs. 350

The payment can be sent by demand draft drawn in favour of ‘ICWAI’ payable at Kolkata, to ‘ICWAI’ 12 Sudder Street,, Kolkata — 700 016.

Where to submit the registration application?

You can submit the Registration Application, if you are intending to register for

Postal Coaching conducted by the institute

At the Regional office relevant to the area which you give as the address for communication (generally your place of residence)

Oral Coaching imparted by the centers authorised by the institute

At the coaching center it.

Even if a student submits his/her application for registration at an office/chapter of the institute near his town/city/village (if they accept it as a service for students), it would ultimately be sent to the relevant regional office/council where the data relating to the student is maintained.

Course Registration Fee » How much, Where to Pay, Installments

The total fee payable to the institute includes fee for registration as well as for imparting coaching (generally POSTAL Coaching).

Whenever we say registration fees, we mean the total fee that is to be paid to the Institutes at the time of registration, by whatever name it is called and into how many ever parts it is divided. The fee given here is the total fee that should be paid to the institute for being registered as a student at this level.

Registration Fee – 500 [For all]

Postal Coaching: Rs. 7,000 (including study material )

Other Fees:

Students Practical Training Registration Fees – Rs. 1000

Computer Hands on Training Fees – Rs. 6000

Exemption fees for Computer Hands on Training – Rs. 1000 (if applicable)

If application is downloaded instead of buying prospectus, additional Rs.200 should be included in DD amount.

Instalment Facility

There is no provision for payment of the registration fee for Intermediate by instalments.

Where to pay

The registration fee should be paid in the form of a Demand Draft only on any scheduled bank favouring ICWAI, payable at Kolkata and be submitted along with the application for registration

Registration Fee » Exemptions and Refund

Exemption of Registration Fee

Not available

Refund of Registration Fee

Once an application for registration is sent, no cancellation is possible. However if the applicant does not meet the minimum requirements for being registered for the course, the institutes would reject the application. Only in such cases you would receive the instrument (D.D/Challan) you have used to pay the fee back. You can cancel the instrument and get the money on it back.

Refund of fee paid is not possible under any other circumstances.

Last/Cut-off Dates

Registration for the Intermediate Level/Course can be done all throughout the year. There is no such thing as a last date for registration. The only requirement is that the course duration should have elapsed for a student to be able to appear at a certain examination.

This implies that you can appear for an examination that would fall after the minimum course duration has elapsed from the date of your registration.

Based on this, you can take the following as the cut off dates for registration to make you eligible for appearing at the noted examination. An example is given in [ ]


Students registering

Before Dec 5th can appear for One Stage in the June Examination Next Year

[E.g: Register before 5th December 2009 – To attempt June 2010 Exam in One Group]

Both Stages in the December Examination Next Year

[E.g: Register before 5th December 2009 – To attempt December 2010 Exam In Both Groups]

Before June 5th can appear for One Stage in the December Examination In the Same Year

[E.g: Register before 5th June 2009 – To attempt December 2009 Exam in One Group]

Both Stages in the June Examination Next Year

[E.g.: Register before 5th June 2009 – To attempt June 2010 Exam In Both Groups]

Being eligible for both groups implies that the student can attempt the first/second/both groups as per his/her choice. Where the student is eligible for attempting one group, he/she can choose any one of the two groups. However, he/she should be completing the coaching requirements for the group that he/she intends to attempt.

Registration Validity Period, Revalidation

The validity period of registration can be assumed to have expired on account of a number of reasons:

The maximum number of attempts allowed getting exhausted and the student being required to re-register for continuing the course.

The registration itself getting expired where there is a validity period specifically mentioned for registration.

The validity period of the CC (Coaching completion certificate) getting expired and the student being required to re-register to revalidate the CC.

Maximum Number of Attempts

There is no specific mention regarding the maximum number of attempts

Expiry of Registration

The registration for the Intermediate is valid for a period of 5 years from the month in which his/her application, complete in all respects, is accepted for registration.

Expiry of CC

The CC is valid for a period of 3 years from the date of issue.

Failing to get through within the Validity Period

A student whose registration has expired might have completed the coaching process and also might have cleared one group and/or might have got exemptions in one or more papers of one/both groups.

Since registration denovo would place the student in a position as if his/her registration has not been cancelled, it amounts to the student retaining all the exemptions obtained till then.

Any group that the student has cleared would be treated as such and any exemptions gained would stay.

Renewing/Revalidating/Denovo Registration

The students registration for the Intermediate is valid for a period of five years. On the expiry of the five year period, it automatically gets cancelled.

Renewing the registration where it has expired is done through a process called "de novo registration”.

de novo [Latin] » From the beginning

A student whose registration is canceled on the expiry of the 5 year period has to apply for denovo registration.

Fees » The fee at present is Rs. 2,000.

Any arrears of the postal tuition fee during the original registration period should also be paid along with this.

Exemptions earned in earlier examinations

The paperwise exemption fee is for those papers in which the student has already passed or has claimed exemption on account of getting high marks in earlier examinations or has claimed exemption on account of having other academic qualifications and which the student wishes to carry through the renewed registration period also.

Application for Denovo/Re-Registration

The student has to apply in the prescribed form available with the institutes office.

It can be downloaded in PDF Format or Word Document Format from the institutes web site.

Study Material

A student registering denovo shall not be supplied with the study material afresh.

Validity Period of Denovo Registration

The Registration De-Novo will be valid for a period of five years from the month in which the student has been registered De-Novo.

De-Novo Registration for a second time

Normally the benefit of "DE NOVO" Registration may be availed of only once. In case of those who have already availed the benefit of "DE NOVO" Registration once, granting of "DE NOVO" Registration again shall be at the discretion of the Director of Studies

Registration Afresh

Where the registration has been cancelled on account of the student not attempting at least one stage examination during the first of 3 years of registration he/she has to apply for "Registration Afresh".

On the students registration afresh being accepted his/her registration shall be deemed for all purposes to have been reinstated after cancellation. He/she shall be entitled to exemption from the individual subjects of the Intermediate or Final Examination, both for Coaching and Examination as the case may be, previously secured by him under his former registration.

A fresh registration subsequent to cancellation of original registration under rule 2.5(b) shall not absolve from the liability of Rule 2.5(a).

This implies that the registration in the second case is reinstated and would expire within the 7 year period, wherein the student has to register "De-Novo". [Say, if the registration was renewed by "Registering Afresh" immediately after it is cancelled after the 3 year period, it would be valid for another 2 years only, unlike in case of Registration Denovo when it would be valid for another 5 years.]


The application procedure, fees etc., for both "De-Novo Registration" and "Registration Afresh" is the same.

How to Apply

The student has to apply in Form 'I' available with the institutes’ offices or at online.


A Re-Registration Fee of Rs.2000 is to be sent along with the application.

Where to send

The application has to be sent directly to the Head office at Kolkata and not the regional offices.

The registration of the student would be renewed and relevant communication with the renewed registration number would be sent to the student.

The CC issued earlier and the subjects passed/exemptions availed in the earlier examinations would stand as they were earlier.

Subsequent Change of Place of Residence

Data relating to the student with regard to academics is maintained at the regional offices. Therefore, once a student registers himself as a student for a particular level, he/she has to stick to the same and correspond with the same for all purposes, either academic or otherwise.

Only aspects relating to examinations are centralised i.e. processing examination applications, evaluation, verification of answer papers, issue of marks sheets, hall tickets, ... etc.

Shift to a Place within the Regional Council

Where the student changes his/her place of living in such a way that he/she has shifted to a place which falls within the purview of the same regional council with which he/she has registered earlier, then there is nothing to worry.

Shift to a Place outside the Regional council

Even if a student moves from a place under a certain regional council to another place under a different regional council, he/she is needed to deal with the same regional council under which he/she has earlier registered.

Intimate the Change in Address

The student needs to get his/her address changed in the records of the institute so that he/she would be receiving the student news letter and other communications from the institute properly.

These students are also advised to intimate the post master of the earlier place of the change of address, so that any mail received at the earlier place would be redirected by the post master automatically.

Eligibility for the main exam. Is Registration in time Enough?

Registering before the cut off date is one and not the only requirement to enable a student to appear at a particular examination.

In addition to registering within time, a student also has to complete the compulsory coaching requirements as well as other compulsory practical trainings he/she has to undergo before being made eligible for appearing at the examination.

A student has to complete the procedure involved in the coaching scheme to be eligible to appear at the exam. Thus, mere registering in time would not suffice.


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